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advertising expenditure中文是什么意思

用"advertising expenditure"造句"advertising expenditure"怎么读"advertising expenditure" in a sentence


  • 广告费用
  • 广告支出


  • Advertising expenditure tax payment ustment amount
  • The optimal control problems of advertising expenditures in the competitive condition
  • Party a agrees to pay a sum of advertising expenditure for its sales promotion in china . the sum is no more than 0 . 1 % of sales amount of party a
    第六条甲方同意为其产品在中国推广付出一定的广告费用。广告费用不超过甲方产品的销售额的0 . 1 % 。
  • Since the distributor is an independent contractor , he assumes far more risks and obligations than an agent does : bad debts , advertising expenditure , warranty claims and maintenance , etc
  • No consideration is involved in the procurement of such priority rights . " dr . leung further explained , " advertising expenditure on tv dramas in the prc exceeded rmb100 billion in 2005
    梁凤仪并称述单是2005年境内电视剧总广告费逾一千亿元,全国各电视台每年需要5 , 000集小时优质电视剧在黄金时段播出。
  • Dr leung highlighted the market demand for around 5 , 000 hours of prime time tv drama series each year , representing rmb100 billion in total advertising expenditure . breakthroughs and opportunities stand high , underlined by the existing steady growth of tv drama series in the market
    梁凤仪强调中国大陆之电视连续剧市场在稳步上扬中具备不少突破性商机,目前中国境内各电视台每年需要约5 , 000小时电视连续剧在各台之黄金时段播出,所产生之广告价值约逾人民币1 , 000亿元。
  • Chongqing tv is confident that these programmes , capitalizing on the channel s national coverage and high viewing rate , will become name - brand tv programmes for chongqing tv station . in 2006 , china s tv advertising expenditures derived from beverages and sports products , which mainly target the young audience , amounted to rmb18 . 66 billion and rmb3 . 09 billion respectively
    二零零六年全国电视台广告花费在以年青观众为主要对象之饮料广告和运动品类广告额达人民币186 . 6亿及人民币30 . 9亿,双方将就此基础上争取重要的份额。
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